HM Explorer 解密 All about HM Explorer

Paxxioneer和中國探險學會(CERS)破天荒合辦的「心度遊」,大本營就在中國探險學會的專用探險船HM Explorer。

HM Explorer全長106呎,2013年在緬甸的造船重鎮Monywa訂製,適合航行於緬甸兩大河流伊洛瓦底江及欽敦江,能靈活深入流域的上中下游,甚至沒有車路可通的地區,展開地理地質、生態環境和人文民族研究。中國探險學會在當地的研究和保育項目,主要有瀕危的伊江短吻海豚,以及兩江流域的漁民、筏民和少數民族。

探險船亦為當地人員提供培訓,讓他們支援各項探險和保育工作。HM Explorer的8名船員,除了打點船上生活細節和機械運作,也十分熟悉伊江環境和沿岸村落。

A group of educators and business executives are “traveling in passion” on Irrawaddy River in a special learning trip organized by Paxxioneer and China Exploration & Research Society (CERS).

HM Explorer, the research boat of CERS which they are making home this week, was built in 2013 in Monywa — the ship-building capital of Myanmar. This special-built exploration vessel can navigate almost all courses of Irrawaddy and Chindwin rivers, Myanmar’s two largest river systems. HM Explorer carries researchers to regions inaccessible by car to study and keep records of the endangered Irrawaddy dolphin, as well as lives of fishermen, rafters and various ethnicities along the rivers.

This research boat is operated by 8 wonderful crew who know literally everything about the rivers and support the work of the researchers.