咖啡扶貧夢工場 Dreamworld in a Coffee Bean

身在老撾Pakse的Paxxioneer心度遊歷隊,參觀了Sam Say親手建造、機械化的咖啡處理廠。這項目盡可能利用回收資源及最低成本建造,為當地咖啡農民示範提高生產力和質量的可行方法。

這片被橡膠樹林包圍的廠房,集處理咖啡、魚菜共生、堆肥養豬、環保教育及社區體驗於一身。Sam 希望這些項目可以持續發展,幫助當地農民自給自足,從各方面改善生活。

Participants of Paxxioneer’s special trip in Laos are wowed by Sam Say’s coffee processing complex.

This compound makes use of recycled materials and low-cost alternatives to build coffee processing facilities that are affordable for underprivileged coffee farmers. The compound is also experimenting a number of zero-waste agricultural projects as well as eco-education programs.

You can also meet Sam and arrange visit to his projects via Paxxioneer: