緬甸探索旅程,出發啦! Set the Sail!


中國探險學會(CERS)的緬甸科研探險船 HM Explorer,以創會人兼主席、國際知名探險家黃效文(Wong How Man)命名,專門為伊洛瓦底江及欽敦江科研探險建造,方便研究員連同所需物資前往伊江及欽敦江兩岸的村落及沒有車路到達的地理生態熱點。

探險船有6至8名長駐船員,負責駕駛、運作及打理船上生活所需,是次旅程讓參加者切實體驗研究員進行田野工作時的日常生活。HM Explorer設備齊全,有飯廳、起居室、遮陽甲板、露天甲板、圖書館等設施。一行十人來自不同專業領域,傍晚登上中國探險學會的專用探險船,首先與當地的船員熱身一下,了解他們的日常工作和探險船的運作。參加者也要極速適應船上生活,融入別開生面的學習方式。

這艘科研探險船一般只招待中國探險學會的研究員、特邀探險家及學會的主要贊助人。Paxxioneer是次能獲得中國探險學會的特別許可,讓有興趣「心度」探索的旅人,可以登上 HM Explorer 體驗,實在是難能可貴的機會。

The exploratory voyage on the legendary Irrawaddy River organized by Paxxioneer and China Exploration & Research Society (CERS) embarks on Mandalay in central Myanmar.

HM Explorer is named after Wong How Man, internationally renowned explorer, and founder-cum-president of China Exploration and Research Society. HM Explorer is specially built for exploration and research along Irrawaddy and Chindwin rivers for field scientists and explorers to reach otherwise inaccessible villages and ecological hotspots with their necessary supplies.

The crew of 6-8 persons takes good care of operational chores on board. participants will be led by field researchers during the trip to learn as much as they can on geography, ecology and local culture with them while having a taste of the life of researchers too. HM Explorer is well equipped with a dining and living room, an airy sundeck as well as a library of a fine collection on books on Myanmar and Southeast Asia.

10 people of different professional backgrounds are welcomed on board by the hospitable crew of HM Explorer, the special-built research vessel of CERS. Vivacious discussion sparkles in the group as everyone settles in life on the river and anticipates extraordinary learning experience ahead.

This exclusive vessel normally only invites the presence of CERS team, international explorers and VIP patrons of CERS. It's a very rare opportunity for fans and friends of Paxxioneer to join this voyage!

Due to popular demand, Paxxioneer and CERS are organizing the next voyage in April 2-9. Grab this chance and sign up now: